A filer is an individual or entity that is required to file information returns with the IRS or other agencies. This can include businesses, non-profits, and other organizations.
In most cases, this will be you—whether you’re a business, employer, or organization reporting tax or compliance information to the IRS, SSA, FinCEN or any other regulatory body.
A recipient is an individual or entity that receives a form from a filer and whose information is being reported. This can include employees, contractors, vendors, or other parties that you pay or provide benefits to.
For a full list of our pricing, please visit our pricing page.
Yes, EFileForMe supports corrections as long as you filed the original form through the site.
To make a correction, simply navigate to the form you need to correct and click the "Create Amount Correction" button.
Once that is done enter the new form, make your changes and then save the form.
Please note that corrections may only be done on forms that are in an "Accepted" status.
To get a PDF of your form(s) for your records you can do the following:
- Click on "Orders" on the left navigation pane
- Click on your order
- Click on the checkboxes in the PDF column of the table that shows your forms
- Click the "Get PDF" button
Please keep in mind that your PDFs may contain personal information. Ensure all necessary precautions are taken when sharing confidential information with others.
In the event you've entered the wrong TIN or name of a filer/recipient, you must do what is commonly known as a "Zero Correction" which is a two step process.
Navigate to the form you need to correct and click the "Create Amount Correction" button. Your form must be in an Accepted status for this button to show up. If the form has already been transmit to the IRS you will need to wait for the form to be accepted or rejected before you can make a correction.
- Click on the new correction form that was created
- Set all dollar amount fields to $0.00 which will in essence void the form as no money will be reported
- Click Save
- Add the form to cart and checkout
Create the new form with the proper information
- Add the form to cart and Checkout
No. A 1096 is not required as we file electronically with the IRS. The 1096 is a summary form that is only required when filing paper forms. Hooray, less paperwork!